Sister Stimpson shared that her younger sister is getting married.
If you have any good news you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment below.
"The purpose of Relief Society, as established by the Lord, is to organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life." - Julie B. Beck, Relief Society General President -- May this blog help to teach, organize and prepare us in our duties as daughters of God.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas crunch salad By Cathy Holt
Cathy Holt wants to share this salad recipe with everyone - just in time for Christmas! Enjoy!
Christmas crunch salad
By Cathy Holt
Fresh Broccoli crowns
Fresh caulflowers
Cherry tomatoes
Purple onion
Break broccoli n cauflowers into bite sizes. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves. Dice purple onion. Amount of those veggies are up to you as how you like them in your salad bowl.
Sour cream
Mayo - I used the squeeze one that is for making sandwiches has garlic herb flavor in it.
Red wine vinegar
Dash of salt n pepper
I don't measure them, just mix n add til desired taste.
Pour into veggie bowl then mix. Chill for one hour before serve.
Christmas crunch salad
By Cathy Holt
Fresh Broccoli crowns
Fresh caulflowers
Cherry tomatoes
Purple onion
Break broccoli n cauflowers into bite sizes. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves. Dice purple onion. Amount of those veggies are up to you as how you like them in your salad bowl.
Sour cream
Mayo - I used the squeeze one that is for making sandwiches has garlic herb flavor in it.
Red wine vinegar
Dash of salt n pepper
I don't measure them, just mix n add til desired taste.
Pour into veggie bowl then mix. Chill for one hour before serve.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Chewy Cherry-Almond Bars
Sister Burdett brought a very yummy treat to the Relief Society Christmas dinner. Many sisters asked for the recipe. Here it is for everyone to have, use and enjoy:
Chewy Cherry-Almond Bars
Prep Time: 20 min
Bake Time: 35 min
Oven Temp: 350*F
1 cup Butter, softened
2 cups packed brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
1 tsp almond extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups regular rolled oats
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 12-ounce jar (1 cup) cherry preserves
To store:
Place in a single layer in an airtight container; cover. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 1 month.
Chewy Cherry-Almond Bars
Prep Time: 20 min
Bake Time: 35 min
Oven Temp: 350*F
1 cup Butter, softened
2 cups packed brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
1 tsp almond extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups regular rolled oats
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 12-ounce jar (1 cup) cherry preserves
- Preheat oven to 350*F. Line a 13X9X2-inch baking pan with foil, extending foil over edges. Grease foil; set pan aside.
- In a large bowl beat butter with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add brown sugar and baking powder. Beat until combined, scraping side of bowl occasionally. Beat in egg and almond extract until combined. Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer. Using a wooden spoon, stir in any remaining flour, the oats, and almonds.
- Remove 1/2 cup of the dough and set aside. Press the remaining dough evenly into the bottom of the prepared baking pan. Spread with preserves. Crumble the reserved dough evenly over preserves layer.
- Bake in preheated oven for 35 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool in pan on a wire rack. Using edges of foil, lift cookies out of pan. Cut into bars. Makes 36 bars.
To store:
Place in a single layer in an airtight container; cover. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 1 month.
12-19-10 Good News Moment
JanaLee Pickett shared that she has a new brother-in-law. Her sister-in-law, Katrina got married to a good man named TR. They are happy to have them as a part of the family.
Lisa Knapton shared that they are excited to have their mortgage reduced starting next month. They were concerned the rate and payments would go up, but are happy to have that not be the case.
Suzi Holland said she is happy to be on Christmas break and to have a break from teaching at BYU for a couple of weeks.
Sarah Parker says "Merry Christmas" to everyone!
If you have any good news you'd like to share with us, please leave a comment below, so that we may all celebrate with you.
Lisa Knapton shared that they are excited to have their mortgage reduced starting next month. They were concerned the rate and payments would go up, but are happy to have that not be the case.
Suzi Holland said she is happy to be on Christmas break and to have a break from teaching at BYU for a couple of weeks.
Sarah Parker says "Merry Christmas" to everyone!
If you have any good news you'd like to share with us, please leave a comment below, so that we may all celebrate with you.
12-19-10 Lesson Summary: Gift of the Holy Ghost Chapter 21
Gospel Principles Manual
Sister Parker
The Holy Ghost
We learned that the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is “a personage of Spirit” (D&C 130:22). He does not have a body of flesh and bones. His influence can be everywhere at once. His mission is to bear witness of the Father and the Son and of all truth. Furthermore, the Holy Ghost purifies, or sanctifies, us to prepare us to dwell in the presence of God. The Holy Ghost purifies our hearts so we no longer have the desire to do evil.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost
The gift of the Holy Ghost is the privilege—given to people who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, been baptized, and been confirmed as members of the Church—to receive continual guidance and inspiration from the Holy Ghost. A person may be temporarily guided by the Holy Ghost without receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (see D&C 130:23). However, this guidance will not be continuous unless the person is baptized and receives the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost
After people are baptized, they are confirmed members of the Church and given the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. However, there is no guarantee that the person will receive inspiration and guidance from the Holy Ghost just because the elders have laid their hands on his or her head. Each person must “receive the Holy Ghost.” This means that the Holy Ghost will come to us only when we are faithful and desire help from this heavenly messenger.
Recognizing the Influence of the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost usually communicates with us quietly. His influence is often referred to as a “still small voice”.
One of God’s Greatest Gifts
The gift of the Holy Ghost is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. Through the Holy Ghost we may know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that His Church has been restored to the earth. We may have the promptings of the Holy Ghost to show us all the things we should do. The Holy Ghost sanctifies us to prepare us for God’s presence. This great gift from our Heavenly Father can also bring peace to our hearts and an understanding of the things of God.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Special Announcement: Blog Links
We are so glad that you are finding use of this blog and that it is helping you be informed and a part of our Relief Society!
We also, know that some of you have your own personal or family blogs. If you are interested in having a link on our blog here to your blog (see "Sister's Blogs" in the column on the left), let Sister Pickett know via email or leaving a comment below. We'd love to see what is going on with you and your families!
We are so glad that you are finding use of this blog and that it is helping you be informed and a part of our Relief Society!
We also, know that some of you have your own personal or family blogs. If you are interested in having a link on our blog here to your blog (see "Sister's Blogs" in the column on the left), let Sister Pickett know via email or leaving a comment below. We'd love to see what is going on with you and your families!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
12-12-10 Good News Moment
Sister Link will be having surgery on Wednesday to remove the bolt she has been carrying around with her for a while.
If anyone else has any good news they'd like to share, we'd love to hear about it! Leave a comment below and tell us.
If anyone else has any good news they'd like to share, we'd love to hear about it! Leave a comment below and tell us.
12-12-10 Lesson Summary: Baptism
"Chapter 20: Baptism," Gospel Principles, (2009), 114–19 Sister Parker
The Commandment to Be Baptized
A gospel principle is a true belief or teaching. An ordinance is a rite or a ceremony. The first two principles of the gospel are faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance. Baptism is the first ordinance of the gospel.
We Must Be Baptized for the Remission of Our Sins
When we place our faith in Jesus Christ, repent, and are baptized, our sins are forgiven through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
We Must Be Baptized to Become Members of the Church of Jesus Christ
“All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized … that … have truly repented of all their sins … shall be received by baptism into his church” (D&C 20:37).
We Must Be Baptized before We Can Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost
The Lord said, “If thou wilt turn unto me, and … repent of all thy transgressions [sins], and be baptized, even in water, in the name of mine Only Begotten Son, … ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Moses 6:52).
We Must Be Baptized to Show Obedience
Jesus Christ was without sin, yet He was baptized. He said His baptism was necessary “to fulfil all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15).
We Must Be Baptized to Enter the Celestial Kingdom
Baptism is the gateway through which we enter the path to the celestial kingdom (see 2 Nephi 31:17–18).
The Correct Mode of Baptism
There is only one correct mode of baptism. The Apostle Paul taught that being immersed in water and coming out again is symbolic of death, burial, and resurrection. After baptism we start a new life.
Baptism at the Age of Accountability
Every person who has reached eight years of age and is accountable (responsible) for his or her actions should be baptized. We must receive the ordinance of baptism and remain true to the covenants we make at that time.
We Make Covenants When We Are Baptized
We promise to do certain things, and God promises to bless us in return.
Alma taught that when we are baptized we make covenants with the Lord to:
Come into the fold of God, Bear one another’s burdens, Stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all places, and Serve God and keep His commandments.
When we are baptized and keep the covenants of baptism, the Lord promises to: Forgive our sins, Pour out His Spirit more abundantly upon us, Give us daily guidance and the help of the Holy Ghost, Let us come forth in the First Resurrection, and Give us eternal life.
Baptism Gives Us a New Beginning
With baptism we begin a new way of life. That is why we call it a rebirth. Jesus said that unless we are born of the water and of the Spirit, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. One of the great blessings of baptism is that it provides us with a new start on our way toward our eternal goal.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
12-4-10 Good News Moment
We didn't have anyone share any good news in Relief Society class today. If you have any good news you'd like to share with the other sisters in the branch, please leave a comment below with your good news. We love rejoicing with each other!
12-4-10 Lesson Summary: Christmas
Leadership Instruction
Sister Holland
Dear Sisters,
I have been thinking about what makes Christmas such a great time in our lives. I am old enough to remember many Christmases. They have all been glorious. But I have learned that it isn’t just the presents that makes them great.
President Faust remarks -
As I look back on that special Christmas over a lifetime, the most memorable part was that we did not think about presents. Presents are wonderful but I found that they are not essential to our happiness. There were no presents that could be held and fondled and played with, but there were many wonderful gifts that could not be seen but could be felt.
I want to bear my testimony that I know Christ lives. He has poured many beautiful blessings. It is the time to love the Lord our God with all our heart. He who gives time, gives more, but he who gives of himself gives all. I love you all, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Whole Wheat Bread Recipe
This recipe is from the bread making class we had with Sister Gudmunson. We hope you enjoy making these for your family!
Whole Wheat Bread (1 required rise)
Measurement | Ingredients | Kitchen Tools Needed: |
3 1/2 cups 1 (12 oz) can 3 TBS 2/3 cup 1 cup 3 TBS 2 TBS 12-13 cups 1 1/2 TBS | Hot Water Evaporated Milk Yeast Oil Honey Vital Wheat Gluten Dough enhancer* (optional) Whole wheat flour (ground Hard White Wheat) **You may not need all the flour** Salt | Kitchen Aid (6QT) or BOSCH Dough Hook Measuring cups Measuring spoons Bread Pans (4) Plastic Wrap or Clean Towels for covering Dough Scraper* optional, but wonderful tool! |
Instructions: Combine hot water with evaporated Milk into a mixing bowl. Add yeast and let become foamy. (Usually about 5 minutes) Add oil, honey and 1 cup of flour. Begin mixing and then add Vital Wheat gluten, dough enhancer, salt and then gradually add remaining flour—one cup at a time. (While mixer is running) As the flour is added, you will see the dough begin to change and become heavier. It will begin to hold its shape as it is mixed. This dough should still be soft, but not overly sticky. It will have more of a tacky feel—where you can quickly tap it with your fingers and it will not stick too much when it has enough flour. Continue kneading with the dough hook for 8-10 minutes. Do not go over 10 minutes. Your dough should not be stuck to the walls of the bowl, after kneading with the hook it will remove itself from the sides of the bowl. After you have the dough feeling ‘tacky’ DO NOT continue to add more flour. (**If your mixer is not big enough to handle this much dough, you can remove the dough and place on counter to continue kneading for the remainder of minutes, using flour to dust lightly as you knead.) Use a little oil and spread on counter or us an oil spray—in an area big enough to roll out your dough. Place your dough on the counter and knead a few times. Roll out into a fat, short snake like shape so that you can divide the dough into four loaves. After dividing, shape loaves by rolling slightly and tucking the top under to the bottom so that the smooth surface is on the top. Place into greased pans. (You won’t need to grease them if you oiled your counter) Rising Options: You can either rise these loaves using a warm oven, or set on the counter. Rising Counter Top Method: Place loaves in an area away from cool drafts. Put plastic wrap or clean, lint-free towels loosely over the loaves and let rise until double in size. Rising Oven Method: Turn your oven on to 170-175 degrees and let warm up. Then turn OVEN OFF. Carefully place the loaves in the oven and let rise until double in size. After they are risen, remove from oven. Temperature: PREHEAT Oven to 350 degrees and bake for 28-30 minutes. (Baking times may vary, your loaves should be a nice brown color and feel hollow-ish when tapped after removed from pans.) Remove from pans and place on cooling racks and let cool completely. Storage: After loaves have completely cooled, place in air tight containers, such as bags or bread containers. DO NOT keep in the fridge. Storing it in the fridge will dry the bread out. Keep it in a dry place. It will stay fresh for up to a week. (But most of the time it will get eaten before it’s been a week! J) You can freeze these loaves in freezer bags and they’ll last for 6-8months if packaged properly. This bread makes excellent sandwiches and toast! YUM! |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Italian Bread Rounds Recipe
This recipe is from the bread making class we had with Sister Gudmunson. We hope you enjoy making these for your family!
Italian Bread Rounds (2 required rises)
Measurement | Ingredients | Kitchen Tools Needed: |
1 TBS 2 Cups 1 TBS 2 tsp 4 cups 1-2 TBS Oil Melted butter | Yeast Warm Water Sugar Salt Flour Italian Seasoning Oil Melted Butter | Kitchen Aid (6QT) or BOSCH or mixing bowl if by hand Dough Hook Measuring cups Measuring spoons Jelly Roll Pans Plastic Wrap or Clean Towels for covering Dough Scraper* optional, but wonderful tool! |
Instructions: Add yeast, water, sugar together until yeast is dissolved and foamy. (Less than 5 minutes) Add Italian seasoning and stir til blended. Add flour one cup at a time. This will be a soft, but sticky dough. Do not knead. You will know when you have enough flour when the dough starts to form and does not fall immediately after mixing. 1st Rise: Cover and let rise in the mixing bowl, til double in size. Punch down and shape into two to three rounds and place on lightly greased jelly roll pan. Before they begin to rise, lightly spread oil over the rounds and sprinkle flour on top. (I use my hands for the oil and then a flour sifter for the flour.) 2nd Rise: Let rise until almost double in size again—then use a brush and very carefully brush melted butter over the rounds and sprinkle with Italian Seasoning or any other favorite seasoning. Rising Options: You can either rise these loaves using a warm oven, or set on the counter. Rising Counter Top Method: Place loaves in an area away from cool drafts. Put plastic wrap or clean, lint-free towels loosely over the dough and let rise until double in size. Rising Oven Method: Turn your oven on to 170-175 degrees and let warm up. Then turn OVEN OFF. Carefully place the loaves in the oven and let rise until double in size. After they are risen, remove from oven. Temperature: PREHEAT oven to 425 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes (or until lightly brown) and then reduce temperature to 375 for 15 minutes. Tear off pieces of bread and Dip in olive oil/balsamic vinegar. Excellent also with soups or with pasta dishes. This bread is also DELICIOUS when toasted the 2nd or 3rd day. Storage: After loaves have completely cooled, place in air tight containers, such as bags or bread containers. DO NOT keep in the fridge. Storing it in the fridge will dry the bread out. Keep it in a dry place. It will stay fresh for up to a week. (But most of the time it will get eaten before it’s been a week! J) You can freeze these loaves in freezer bags and they’ll last for 6-8months if packaged properly. This bread makes excellent sandwiches and toast! YUM! |
Sunday, November 28, 2010
11-28-10 Good News Moment
Sister Watterson aced her science test!
Sister Holt's surgery went well and the tests came back negative for cancer - she is healing well!
If I have missed yours or if you have one you'd like to share with everyone, please leave a comment and share your good news with us!
Sister Holt's surgery went well and the tests came back negative for cancer - she is healing well!
If I have missed yours or if you have one you'd like to share with everyone, please leave a comment and share your good news with us!
11-28-10 Lesson Summary“Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life
Teachings of Our Time
“Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life”
by Elder Robert D. Hales
Sister Holt
To my beloved sisters in Branch,
I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve in RS as 4th Sunday teacher that I can share with you about what I have learned through the General Conference and many other gospel related opportunities.
The topic of my lesson for today, "Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life" by Elder Hales.
Elder Hales has a friend of 50 years who is not member of the church. They have been writing letters to each other which Elder Hales has shared some church related articles. His friend wrote him a letter recently asking what "Agency" really mean. None in dictionary has a definition the word of agency that express the idea of making choices to act. In our church we understand the term of agency, meaning we have free to choose right or wrong with consequences. It is an essential to our Salvation Plan.
Without agency, we will not be able to know which is right or wrong.
With agency, we may make wrong choices or decisions and lose the opportunity to live with Heavenly Father.
For this reason, Our Savior is available to us so we can repent and making an eternal progress to live with out Heavenly Father.
I am so thankful I have choose to follow Jesus Christ and have opportunity to receive my body here on earth. With my agency and body, I can progress and be able to experience many great things such having a great deaf branch we are part of. I know Our Heavenly father loves us and had provided us a way to return and live with him someday.
With name of our beloved brother Jesus Christ, Amen
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